For the NSGG day meeting Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics (2 December 2014, London) ISAP will provide the following grants:
ISAP will pay £20 to any ISAP early-career member (student or young professional) who makes a presentation (poster or oral) on that day, to contribute to the registration fee and some production costs. The payment will be made 'at the door'. Please complete the application form and hand it to the Treasurer, Paul Linford, during the event.
"The bursaries are open to students (Undergraduate, Masters or PhD/Doctorate) and early-career young professionals who are ISAP members with a current paid subscription. Early-career young professional will normally have graduated within the last three years and be currently on a junior salary scale. ISAP may contact their line manager to confirm the latter." - A prize for the best poster presented at this day conference, to the amount of £50. The competition is open to all posters presented on the day.